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FedEx Goods in Transit Insurance with Public Liability Insurance


Great News, here at Novas we will provide you with £50,000 for Goods in Transit Insurance delivering for FedEx for the price of £10,000 saving you £44.80!

Thats Correct! Our policies come with the benefit of receiving automatically £50,000 Goods in Transit Insurance when working for FedEx and £10,000 when working under your own contracts.

If you need more cover when working under your own contracts then simply select the level of cover you need under your own contracts and we will still provide you with £50,000 for FedEx.

Simply select "Get a Quote" below and select £10,000 as your level of cover and it will automatically provide £50,000 cover working for FedEx its that simple!

Get a Quote

The discount is already built into the price and If you only work for FedEx then select £10,000 as your level of cover and your documents will show £50,000 for FedEx included.

  • Goods cover £10,000 to £50,000
  • Cover up to 10 vehicles
  • Public Liability £2M or £5M
  • Employers Liability £10M
  • EU cover included
Novas Insurance Review and Testimonial

Buying my courier policy from Novas was so simple, the price was great and I had my documents instantly, could not have been easier, the staff were also very helpful on the chat.

Dan Edwards, London
5 star rating
Novas Review and Testimonial
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